Step 1; How To Start Manifesting In Your Life
Looking to manifest the life you’ve been wanting for yourself? Here is an actionable way you can start thinking about the life you want to manifest. At times it can be overwhelming where to start, how to start and when you can expect things to start happening for you. Well I will be the first to tell you that the universe has your back through and through but it also means these things will sometimes happen when you least expect them to, they won’t always follow your plan and the beauty is they will happen exactly when they’re supposed to and you will be better off in the end.
Here is how I begin to think about what I want to manifest for myself. Check out this blog post of the daily practices you can do to manifest the life you want.
Where To Start
This may seem like a big venture to take on in the beginning but it’s super important to begin to understand, think and reflect on the type of lifestyle you want for yourself. What do you want out of life, what brings you happiness and how will you do the things you want in life. Here are some questions to get you started and start thinking. I would highly suggest writing out your answers, putting thoughts to paper is more powerful than you think.
What does your ideal lifestyle look like in 2-5 years?
Who is with you?
Where are you living?
How often do you travel?
What do you do for work?
Who do you celebrate with?
What does your day to day look like?
What have you achieved for yourself?
How do you want to enjoy life and bring fun into your life?
Who do you want to do it with?
What does a vacation look like for you?
Where do you want to be?
What sports, workouts, etc. do you do?
What does a day of fun look like for you?
What hobbies do you do?
How are you creating this ideal lifestyle for yourself?
What do you do for work?
What does a normal work day look like?
Where are you working and what does your work environment look like? How much do you make a year?
How much income covers your living expenses?
How much can you afford to spend on “fun” or things you enjoy?
How much do you need to create this lifestyle for yourself?
What does your mental and physical health look like?
What do your daily habits look like?
Do you practice goal setting?
What does a day in the life for you in your ideal reality look like?
How do you fuel your body?
How do you get your exercise in?
How productive are you in a day?
How do you rest and recover?
How do you relax?
What does your ideal relationship with yourself, your partner, family and friends look like?
How do your relationships play into your life?
How often do you see your loved ones?
How do you prioritize your relationships?
What qualities do you want in a partner?
How is your relationship with yourself and how do you prioritize you?
Once you have given yourself a nice outline of the life you’re wanting to live I suggest implementing my tips into manifesting these things into your life everyday and the work required, you can find more about that here.