Step 2; Manifesting The Life You Want
Manifesting… there’s so much to say about it and also so little. That’s the beauty of it. These are my personal experiences, tips and practices I do in my own life. These aren’t the only ones or the right ones you can practice to make your dreams your reality but feel free to take what you like and leave what you don’t, and don’t forget to do your own research!
If you’re just getting started I suggest checking out my Step 1 on how to start manifesting the life you want to live here.
Decide What You Want
The first step to this whole equation is you need to begin to think, decide and put out what you’re looking for in life. Whether it’s a new job, relationship, income, home or thing/event/etc to happen you need to begin to create what this would look like. Start thinking about the small details, and the big ones of course, and what it would look like. All the way down to “if I got my new job where would I be driving to work everyday, what would my work outfits look like, what would my daily tasks be, when do I want this to take place, etc” you need to get a little more specific when you want to start putting new wants and desires out into the universe.
Example: I wanted to move to Arizona after college and I knew where I wanted to live, I wanted to be there by August 2019, I knew the salary I was wanting to have, what my day to day’s would look like, what kind of job I was looking for and what my job structure would be.
Start Putting Your Thoughts Into The Universe
This is going to be something you do everyday. These thoughts will go out into the universe and begin to register and transpire into your reality but you have to do the work to get them there. Putting out these thoughts into the universe can be done many ways, or maybe all ways if you want it that bad. A few ways I practice this is writing them down in my monthly or annually goals, writing them down every morning or in my morning affirmations, telling people them - when you become confident enough to tell people these things will and are going to be happening the world will change for you and thinking them personally and to yourself.
Example: I wanted to leave my job by April 2020 and I began bringing this into my annual goals, monthly goals and sharing this news with family and friends and mapping out the logistics of how this would work. I wanted to ensure the income would be consistent and not decrease, I would have another job to transition to and the timing would be what I wanted. I ended up leaving May 2020 with another job to transition to and with the exact situation I was looking for and was sharing in my goals and telling friends for the last 9 months.
Practice What You Preach & Want
This may be what weeds people out from manifesting the life they want. You have to practice the daily habits, intentions and responsibilities in your day to day that you’re looking to have in life. You cannot be someone who is looking to find your soulmate, excel in your career and become financially free while practicing daily habits like going to the bar, spending absurd money on bar tabs and not taking meeting a significant other somewhat seriously. There is no right and wrong way to live and if you want to live a partying lifestyle that is 100% okay but you cannot expect manifesting this life of peace, serenity and love to follow.
It takes daily habits to build the life you want, this is what keeps people from living their dreams to those who do. It’s hard work, takes discipline and at the end of the day no one really cares if you’re doing it or not - it’s up to you to keep yourself on track. Start small and start to realize what you living your ideal reality would look like.. what would your mornings look like? do you workout? what is your daily schedule like? where do you live? These are all things to ask yourself and start implementing those small habits to change your life.
Example: I wanted to find a partner who liked to do similar activities/outdoor sports that I did and create a productive, efficient and amplified lifestyle for myself. This consisted of everyday 4:30am wake ups which helped build my career and bring me to financial independence. It also consisted of me doing this outdoor activities alone and by myself countless days and months to learn to enjoy them on my own before I could enjoy them with someone else. Creating a productive and amplified lifestyle consists of never-ending work such as setting annual goals, monthly goals, daily to-do lists, relying on my calendar and keeping myself organized.