Hiking + Camping Do's & Don'ts - Everything You Need To Know For Outdoors!
I know this may sound silly, who needs to read a blog post about what to do when outside, traveling, hiking and camping? Let me be the first to tell you, the outdoor travel lifestyle takes endless trial and errors to find what works for you and what makes your life easier - since that’s all we really are looking for when it comes to sleeping with nature.
I wish when I started sleeping on my car, in my car, outdoors and in forests that I had some insight from someone else and what they learned along the way. There is never enough trial and error information from. yourself and others when this is the way you live. Trust me, you want to streamline this process as much as possible for your sanity, ease and mind.
Here are the outdoor + hiking + camping do’s and don’ts I follow and are now loyal to.
Outdoor + Camping Do’s
Always have toilet paper or kleenex on you
Bring clorox wipes in your car - you never know
Girls, thank me later - Bring some disposable and individually packaged wipes (face, body, booty, etc. - these will save you and before you know it may be the closest thing to a shower for you)
Bring travel size deoderant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash and toothpaste - I have these on me always and the multiple river and lake showers I’ve taken unexpectedly have been saved with these.
Always have a toothbrush on you - just do it
Invest in a good quality tent, cooler and blankets - These will become your bestfriends aka food and sleep
Don’t skip the small things - Lanterns, charging cords, headlamps, towels for wiping your feet, etc. - Make a list if you can’t remember it all!
Have your go-to fanny pack, backpack or slingback bag that becomes part of you - this will hold all your important items (wallet, phone, charging, etc and will start to go everywhere with you) when you’re living in a car or tent you need easy access for all your belongings
Snacks - SO MANY SNACKS and when you think you have enough, grab more
Always have a bathing suit - this has been a constant reminder for me and something I somehow always need and never have
Outdoor + Camping Don’ts
Limit your perfume or fragrances - I get we all want to smell good but do this as natural as you can, the bugs will love you if you show up in your Dior perfume
PACK LIGHT - This is my biggest thing when traveling on the road. Pack minimal, pack important and must need things and that’s it.
No Make-up ladies - It’s a joke if you think you’ll be applying your make-up while everything you own becomes lightly dusted with dirt for the weekend
The mountains don’t care about fashion - keep your wardrobe realistic, practical, light and layers.
Hiking Do’s
Download All Trails (the app) and it will suffice for all your hiking needs and provide hikes near you, reviews, photos, map and directions - SAVES LIVES
Comfort is key - for shoes, clothes, etc. Do not worry about your cute fashion photos you’ll take at the top because the blisters you’ll get on the way up won’t even get you to the top
Charged phone - just do it, plan accordingly you don’t want to be stranded and lost without one
Bring a friend
Be aware of the creatures around you and what you need to be aware of
Desert - Rattlesnakes, venomous lizards, scorpions
Mountains - Mountain lions, bears (always have bear spray), wolves, etc. - Bear spray will be your BFF
Take pictures - even when you feel annoying you’ll love to look back at what you saw
Wear your trust hiking shoes whether they’re 6 months old or 6 years - never test a new pair on a hike.
Hiking Don’ts
Fashion isn’t a thing on hikes. Wear practical clothes and bring layers
Music - don’t pollute nature with your music needs. There are others on the trails you know
Ignore all route and hike planning - at least be somewhat knowledgeable of what you’re hiking, difficulty, location and distance
NEVER wear brand new hiking shoes on a hike - wear them around and around the house to break them in and blister test