Finding Your Tribe + Positive Mindset Part 3

This is the last tip to my postivity mindset focus. I broke each impactful tip into their own post so you could get the most out of them.The last impactful step to changing your mindset is the environment and people you surround yourself with.

Read Part 1 Here: How to Change Your Perspective

Read Part 2 Here: How to Bring Light Into Your Life

We’re talking about the importance of your environment in your life and finding your passion that thrives your soul. Also finding what brings life into your life, what makes you excited to live every single day to the fullest.

Find Your Tribe

I felt this on a different level throughout the last 5 years of my life. I was different than a lot of the people I surrounded myself with, I didn’t always want to do the same things as them and I was always feeling a little lost and wondering if I was the only one who felt this. I think a big part of this was I wasn’t in an environment that served me. It wasn’t impacting my life in the great ways it could’ve been which I also was aware of and knew it wouldn’t be forever.

When I realized the place and environment I needed to be in whether it was location, friendships, workplace or who or where I spent my time. This is when I began to realize the potential of what an environment can do to you. I wanted to find my tribe and spend time and life with the ones who served me and who saw me as a valuable friend or relationship in their life.

To find your tribe you will have to go through change and become comfortable with being uncomfortable. You will have to play trial and error whether if it’s with people or places. But as you begin to grow and find your way, your tribe will come. You will find the people in your life that feels like you knew them forever, that wants to do what you want to do and who sees the value you bring in their lives. This is something we will strive to continue towards our who lives and your tribe will grow, get smaller and change as you walk through life.

Your tribe will help you walk through life, on the good and bad days. They will support the genius and silly decisions and stand by your side as you do it. Finding your tribe gives you the purpose to live outside yourself and live for others sometimes. When you begin living for yourself and others that are aligned with you, your soul will become bigger and brighter and capable of more.

Find What Makes You Feel Alive

This isn’t easy and I can’t say we all have found it, even myself, I’m still looking. This is something you may spend your whole life striving for, honestly, you can only hope. Though the importance of finding something that gets you out of your own head is the meditative mindset it brings upon yourself. It’s SO important to get out of your OWN head. We have so much stimulation around our lives with so many different outlets that you need to find a way. A way to disconnect and enjoy being alive and feeling the gratitude to have the ability to do what you love.

When you find what makes you feel alive you won’t think about the to-do lists you have, you will feel excitement towards something you get to do everyday/week/month and you will be excited to learn more and share more and introduce it to others.

When you begin to express the excitement towards a hobby, sport, activity or thing this is when you know you’ve found something good. For example, when I move my body whether it’s the gym, hiking, rock climbing or being outside I know I found my itch. I can never get enough of it and I’m always just as excited every day to do more of it. It brings me light, energy and abundance towards my life and the others I do it with.

This is what will get you out of bed the days, weeks or months that it isn’t as easy as it usually is. It will be what pulls you through because no one can take this away from you. Just you and the thing that sets you free will be the small step towards living a brighter life and bring the excitement of looking forward to things.

Read Part 1 Here: How to Change Your Perspective

Read Part 2 Here: How to Bring Light Into Your Life

MindsetZoey Berghoff