Bring Light Into Your Life + Positive Mindset Part 2

We all have those people in our lives that radiate positivity and sunshine. It impresses us and you wonder how they show up everyday this way. Let me tell you that this isn’t natural to people, it’s something they have worked on for years and they had to create change in their lives to preach this.

When I began to write about bringing more positivity into your life I had a few impactful tips to share. I have split each into its own blog so you can get the most out of them. When you actively begin to implement positivity you will begin to change your reality without even knowing it. You have the power of all the positivity or negativity in your life and how much of it is prevalent.

Read Part 1 Here: How to Change your Perspective Part 1

Read Part 3 Here: Finding Your Tribe + What Excites You

I began to see the difference in attitudes once I graduated. It was really eye-opening for me stepping into the full-time professional world also known as, “adulting," and this is where I saw the difference in a positive mindset. I saw it in peoples expressions, joy, attitude towards the day, drive and work ethic. And honestly, I’m still surprised by it. I became shocked at the lack of energy, spirit and drive towards their own lives. The life that they have full capability of changing.

I started to wonder why people were laughing at my energy I brought everyday, why everyone was dreading the work-week when I was making the best of each day and why friends began saying “I needed some positive energy, I’m so glad you asked to hangout.”

I started to step out of my own head and look at things from a different perspective. This is when I began to see… see how people are just going through the motions, they don’t have anything in their life that makes them feel alive, they don’t wake up excited everyday and this is something I’ve felt temporary - I get it, shit happens - but long-term this won’t help you.

Learn to Brighten Your Own Day

This was a big lesson for me in the last 6 months of my life. There were a lot of people that had control over my days, life, emotions and more until I realized the power I had to rule my own day. I was seeing that no one could ruin or brighten my day as much as I could myself. The simple thoughts of gratitude and positivity throughout the day began to raise my vibrations towards my own life. I began stepping into my own life, every. single. day. so excited to live the life I’m so blessed to have.

Find what brightens your soul and do more of it. If you like the movies? Take yourself to the movies. If you like to workout, find the workout that serves you. In life you are the only one you can fully depend on, you will know your emotions, thoughts and next moves better than anyone else. Don’t give anyone the control to rule or own your day.

No job, person, relationship, friend or co-worker deserves or should have this control over you. If they do, you are in control to change that. Begin to understand the power in your own hands.

You Have to Be the Light In Your Life and Others Lives

This is what I related to most in the last 6 months. I saw the dread, boredom and lack of spirit people in life had for the beautiful life we have the chance to live. I was astounded people really just moved through the motions when there’s so much to offer and anything can be changed. And I always remembered that if you’re miserable in your current job, relationship, friendship, environment or anything else that you have the power to change it. NO MATTER WHAT people say, if they don’t see the power in what they can change then move on. You can’t convince everyone but do not let someone else’s lack of spirit towards life dwell on you.

Bring the positivity with you through life. People will notice it, they will notice it before you even realize you’re doing it. This will be the eye opener for you. You may not even realize the bright, energetic positivity you bring with you but people will gravitate towards this. You will see the difference in yourself versus others. Give yourself the responsibility to owe it to yourself and bring this into others lives. Show them the way and ease to change your perspective and soul.

All In All

I know this is all easiest said than practiced every day diligently in your life. We all have triumphs, failures and things we can dwell on - trust me, we all have them. But I challenge you to bring the light of life with you as you create your own path in this life we are so blessed to have.

Read Part 1 Here: How to Change your Perspective Part 1

Read Part 3 Here: Finding Your Tribe + What Excites You

MindsetZoey Berghoff