Interview Tips 101
After doing countless of interviews for SO many different companies consisting of phone interviews, in-person, Skype, exams, assessments and so much more. I’ve taken notes along the way and want to share my best interview tips to help you feel more confident walking into your next interview.
Pre-Interview Tips:
Go into the interview with confidence, professional dress - always be overdressed than under dressed and a minimum of 3 copies per resume.
Be sure to arrive 10 minutes early, the worst anxiety will be getting lost on the way to an interview and not allowing any time for mistakes.
If possible, know the interviewers names and positions that you will be interviewing you.
Situational: I have found the person interviewing me (especially if they’re very high up) before the interview and reached out to them on LinkedIn sending them a welcome message and that I’m looking forward to the interview. Make yourself stand out!
During Interview:
Get everyone’s name and business card if you can
Or make sure you have at least one person’s email so you can send a thank you and follow up email after the interview.
Make direct eye contact and don’t move around or cause distraction while getting comfortable. It will show you’re nervous and not confident in direct eye contact and sitting across from someone with higher “power.”
Speak slow and don’t feel rushed in your responses. Be confident in your responses and what you’re saying. You are allowed time to gather your thoughts and get yourself together before answering a question - especially if it’s detailed. They will respect the consideration you gave it before answering.
Post Interview:
Email them the day of the interview thanking them for their time out of their day to interview you, re-address why you are FIT for the job & will provide value to them (not why you should get the job) and you are looking forward to meeting again/speaking soon. DO THIS DAY OF!
If you don’t have their email, do everything you can to find it or message on Linkedin.
Follow Up email breakdown:
Be professional when addressing them
Confirm and mention the position you’re applying for
Why you’re a good fit and what value you will bring to the table
Include any dates or timelines you can hold the company and yourself accountable
“I look forward to hearing from you by next Monday for the next steps in the interview process.” - Hold them accountable!
Thank them for their time and consideration
If you get the offer:
Be comfortable to negotiate! This is business and you can ask things of a company just as much as they can of you. An offer is 50/50 deal and you can negotiate things you want