5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity In The Morning

We all wish we had more time in our days and make the days last longer. A key to make the most of your day is by increasing your productivity. Time is the most valuable thing to us, we aren’t guaranteed it and we want to make the most of it. 

I have become the biggest proponent for being productive and efficient with your time as I’ve gotten old. Life gets busier and you have less time for yourself. 

I suggest finding a time in your day when you’re at peak and when you can dedicate increasing your productivity with your time. For me it’s my mornings, so I’m giving a little insight to my morning routine and the tips and tricks I implement efficiency. 

#1 - Move your body 

This is a personal preference but when you start your mornings with endorphins you will begin to feel the difference in your day. You will begin to see mental clarity benefit the most while you’re also physically benefiting yourself. 

#2 - Get an alarm clock 

This!! If you have a hard time getting off your phone in the mornings, like I did. Getting an alarm clock can be such a productive and small investment to your mornings. This allows you to keep your phone away from your bed and even in another room without being distracted right when your alarm goes off. 

#3 - Plan your day 

Rely on your calendar and know what your day looks like. When you have your day planned out it helps set the tone of what’s coming your way for the day. 

#4 - Set yourself up for success

If 6am is the time you need to be up in the morning to have a morning to yourself then you need to be realistic. You can’t be going to bed at midnight and expect yourself to be high functioning 6 hours later if you’re someone who needs more than 6 hours of sleep. 

I suggest finding the average hours of sleep you need in your life to function and be consistent with your days and then decide the morning wake up time you need to not waste your mornings away. Plan backwards and get yourself to bed when you should be, you’ll thank yourself. 

#5 - Spend your energy on you 

This is simple. Just remind yourself every day that no one is important enough to steal your day and time away from YOU. 

No boss, job, class, exam, workout or person can steal from you.