24 Things I Learned At 24

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“The human mind will overestimate how much they can do in one month. But they will underestimate how much they can do in one year.”

All of the experiences we have in life have to happen for us to learn, grow, evolve, and move through life. We must remember every experience is unique to us and how it affects our own lives and mindset. When you view experiences as a learning lesson you can take these with you when choosing your future.

365 days around the sun and I still feel like my age is just a number compared to the way I navigate through life. When you have a lot of experiences and learning lessons packed into a handful of years, I guess that can make you feel older than you are.

24 Things I Learned at 24

  1. Your happiness is what matters. It can be easy to forget one of the simplest rules of life. You have one life and spend your time and energy living the life that brings you happiness. Not the life that makes your partner, family, friends, or parents happy.

  2. Believe in yourself. If you can’t believe in yourself, how can you expect others to believe in you? Be your own biggest cheerleader, support system, and best friend. Learn to love and believe in yourself so you can love and believe in others.

  3. Don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts. Your thoughts will (100%) become the outcome of your life. Wake up and think you’ll have an amazing day and you will. Wake up and dread what’s coming and you will. Think positive thoughts and live a positive life. Think negativity, anxiousness, and stress and you will become that.

  4. The hardest part is starting. This. This. This. Now read it again. Whatever you’ve been thinking about starting but the perfect time hasn’t come yet, it never will. The hardest part is starting but the most important part is starting. Start that side hustle, start that business, start that family, start that new job, just start.

  5. Live large and spend small. Don’t let society tell you what you need in life to be happy and approved by others. When you live a large life with your own experiences, relationships, yourself, and adventures you don’t need to buy material items to show others how big your life really is. My life is the biggest it’s ever been with an abundance of happiness and life and I haven’t bought something from a mall in 2 years.

  6. Go on the trip. Stop living in fear and live in the moment. Will you remember that day you didn’t take off work because your boss needed you? Or will you remember for the rest of your life that spontaneous trip planned the day before? Don’t get stuck in the day-to-day moment, try to see the big picture of life.

  7. Take the day off. This goes hand in hand with the above. Remember what life is about - living.

  8. Be grateful for the lessons but keep them in the past. Don’t wish the past away, it had to happen to get you here. Be grateful, recognize the lesson and move on and leave them in the past.

  9. Put yourself in their shoes. Remember this one. We’re all human but we’re all humans who have different cultures, backgrounds, upbringing, and experiences. You will never have the same views as another person - that’s good, keep it that way.

  10. Be compassionate. Care for others, be there for others, and love others. Humans need connection, not a million dollars or a fancy car or another handbag. Remember what’s true to our roots.

  11. Listen. And keep listening. That hardest but most important thing to do. Listen to others, let them speak, hear them out, and actually listen. Stay quiet for a minute, not every moment is about what you’ve done or seen. Be humble and listen to others so they do the same to you.

  12. Think of others. Don’t lose focus on your relationships, friendships, and family. They will be there the day you need them, so prioritize them.

  13. Prioritize your goals. Don’t lose focus on your goals and the life you want. Push yourself, challenge yourself, and stay accountable.

  14. Spend your energy wisely. Every single person you surround yourself with, you’re picking up on their energy and bringing it into your own. Be wise who you spend your time with.

  15. Love hard. Get rid of the fear of what could happen or if it didn’t work out. What if it did and it was all worth it?

  16. Remember what’s important. Stay true to your values, morals, goals, and life. What’s important to you may not be important to someone else. Don’t lose focus.

  17. Reciprocate effort and energy in all you do. Give 100%, expect 100%. If you’re not getting 100%, move on.

  18. Keep learning. Never stop learning. Learn about yourself and challenge your mind. The moment we stop learning is the moment we unknowingly die inside.

  19. Try something new. You probably won’t be good at it the first time but you will be. Everyone starts somewhere.

  20. Cheer others on. Cheer yourself on. Extend support and receive support. Celebrate other’s wins and they will be there to celebrate your wins.

  21. Find nature. Ground yourself. 2020, the year everyone found nature. It’s proven nature has healing qualities you won’t find in a city or an apartment. Ground your mind, body, and soul.

  22. Live life how you want. Don’t let others opinions and judgements impact the life you want for yourself. Live authentically you and you will become your biggest support system and best friend.

  23. Live life on your terms. Live your life on your own timeline, not others.

  24. If you’re not doing it, it’s not a priority. Only speaking the truth. If you’ve been wanting to do it but haven’t found the time, it’s not that there’s no time, it’s not a priority of yours. And that goes for everything in life. You get to choose how to spend your time.

Read 23 Things I Learned at 23 next.

MindsetZoey Berghoff