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The simple path to wealth

Understanding the stock market

What you should be doing to build towards your retirement

How to set up your Vanguard account

What 401k, Roth IRA, Investing, etc. looks like and how to do it

How to invest and not having to “pay attention to it until your 55+”

the 10x rule

The need to 10x every aspect in your life from business, relationships, family, habits, etc.

The difference between the average and the elite

Why you don’t want to be average

Gives you the push and 10x attitude you may be needing


Learn to love the life you created, not the life you expected

Your thoughts are powerful to your life

Embrace uncertainty, change and being uncomfortable

If the world is “unlucky” to you, you have the power to change it


Understand the power to say no

Learn what values your time effectively

The difference of being busy vs. productive

What happens when you push yourself too far

copywriting secrets

Learn copywriting that sells

Why your copy should never have “I, we or us” in it

How to sell thousands through Digital Marketing

Why Ad copy works

the power of positive thinking

How detrimental your mindset is to your life

Positive thinking impact

The power and control your mind has to manifest and create your life

stillness is the key

Why slowing down is the secret to getting ahead

What all great leaders, athletes, CEOs, etc. share in common

Conquer your temper in a busy world

How to slow down

alone on the wall

Understand and learn about the “Best Climber in the World” brain to conquer the most death defying climbs

His journey Free Soloing as a climber

A man who takes death-defying risks daily and understand his mind