23 Things I've Learned at 23
Life happens to us when we align with the path and people we are meant to do life with. We’re always evolving, growing and learning every step of the way and that’s how life goes - even when it has its ups and downs. After the biggest year of my life personally, locationally, mentally, financially and professionally - I feel these things can be taken with us day in and day out and remembered when life gets chaotic.
23 Things I’ve Learned At 23
Live life for you. Living life for you means living a life that represents and fills your soul with joy and pure happiness every day. It doesn’t matter what others have to say about how you live as long as you love and enjoy it.
You have the power to change your life. You have the power to change your job, apartment, friends, significant other, hobbies, city and everything in between. If you catch yourself unhappy with an aspect in your life - change it or stop complaining.
Stand up for yourself - in every way. You need to stand up for yourself, if you can’t do this for yourself how can you expect others to do it for you? Don’t let people, bosses, roommates, etc. walk all over you - stand your ground.
Build a life that you wake up so excited to live. Find your people, tribe and space and when you are living the path you’re meant to be on you will be so happy and excited that you wish you could skip going to bed at night and already start tomorrow because your life excites you this much. I found this this year and become filled with gratitude and overwhelmed realizing how pure and true this is to find.
Minimize your life and challenge yourself with it. I went from 5 closets to a bin of clothes and fitting my entire closet in a bag. This brought freedom into my life. Material items no longer grounded me to my things. I have the freedom to move and travel with nothing to worry about or keep me held up. Material items don’t own me and I luckily don’t own them.
Take care of yourself. Sometimes you can do it all and sometimes you can’t. Mentally, physically, emotionally, personally and more. Surviving the worst case of an illness I’ve had in life taught me the importance of health, sanity, when to stay home and when to tell a boss no. (Still TBD if it was COVID - RIP to a month of being sick) It’s okay to not have everything together, you’re human.
Be spontaneous. Make the move you want to make, talk to the person you’ve been eyeing, take up the sport you want to get good at, accept the job offer that may seem risky, DO IT. If it weren’t for a 5 minute spontaneous decision I made the last 4 months of my life would’ve looked completely different. Everyday I’m grateful I made that decision.
Get rid of toxic people and relationships - for good. If your family, friends, strangers and loved ones have a bad feeling about them - there’s a reason for it. Get rid of them and your life will begin to work out and flourish (not so) coincidently after they leave.
Know your money or let your money run you. You should know your finances best and there is absolutely no excuse to turning a blind eye to them and if you do find that excuse then don’t be jealous or complaining when you see your friends and peers making $$$ moves.
Keep your good friends close and near. Friends will get you through the hardships, breakups, long days and even longer weeks. Be that friend when someone else needs that. Remind them you’re grateful for them, don’t take this for granted - not everyone has a friend to lean on.
Growth is hard and challenging but necessary. I look back and can see where the growth was happening and at that time how hard that was. The bad days and long weeks and months became the times I’m most grateful for to get me where I am now.
Travel often, near and far and spontaneously. You will learn the most about yourself, life, partners, friends and others on these adventures. 2020 was the year of travels for me and adventures came. Travel is the #1 thing people wish they did when they were younger, don’t be this person.
Find yourself and what you love. Find what you love, so when everything else fails or everyone else leaves they can’t take this away from you. What do you run to when everything else is gone? … That’s because it speaks to your soul and is a part of you. Congrats on finding what so many long for.
Don’t regret anything. Everything happens for a reason and if you begin to regret things in life your life may not look like it does today. You cannot regret jobs, moves, relationships, friends or time spent.
Time isn’t an excuse. I used this as an excuse with a past relationship and perceived time as loyalty and authenticity when what was real was right before my eyes. You can feel something for someone in 1 month what you felt for someone in 3 years - time isn’t an excuse or exception to actions. Actions always speak louder than words.
Get outdoors. 2020 —— The year that the outdoors were one of the few safe places and humans got to find themselves again.
Spread positivity and light & demand respect for yourself - Be the light we need in the world and the light those need on their dark days. Even the light you need on your dark days.
Put yourself out there. Become uncomfortable. Pick up new hobbies - Push yourself, meet new friends, find new hobbies and new challenges. Meet new friends, loved ones, partners, jobs, bosses, etc.
Money doesn’t define you. A net worth, salary, paycheck or bank account are just a number. The relationships, friendships, love and connections you have with people are what will stay and be remembered. Money comes and goes. This is something I continue to remind myself that no job is more of a priority than a loved one or hobby you love.
We work to live, we don’t live to work. Something I need a reminder of at times but a true representation in 2020 of why we work is to live the life we aren’t promised tomorrow.
Stop buying clothes and s**t. Seriously, invest in a few pieces a year and cut the aimless spending.
Manifesting will change your life and put you on your path in life. My life aligned before me this year more than I ever thought possible. I manifested this life, the universe didn’t hand it to me.
Never stop learning. In work, school, friends, life, adventures, hobbies, books, ANYTHING